What a month! The last month has been an adventure getting re-acclimated to life since I came home from PNG. The kids are growing; Lorie and I have been working through lists of priorities, and preparing for the months to come. If it were not for the body of Christ and the sweet fellowship of believers I would be overwhelmed. Below is a quick update on family life as well as current support that the Lord has provided!
I have been working on several things: Work, discipleship, and meeting with people on a regular basis. I have the joy of reading 2 books currently: The Cross Centered Life (C.J. Mahaney) and Exemplary Spiritual Leadership (Jerry Wragg).
Lorie is currently on the cusp of transitioning from un-intentional schooling of Greer to full blown curriculum. This has been a new world for her and has dramatically changed what she focuses on day to day. She has been finding that it is far harder to set appointments with friends and play dates with the kids. It has been encouraging for me to see her desire (even though it is hard) to take on this role of home schooling the kids!
Greer is five and his sense of adventure only seems to continue to grow daily. It's funny, he is strong to say the least and enjoys wrestling with daddy. He recently started Kindergarten homeschooling with Lorie and is enjoying it so far. Homeschooling is a learning process for both him and Lorie! We are finding that Greer enjoys doing many things and if he could choose it would probably be watching TV all day (Thank God for mommy and daddy who regulate this).
Belle (A.K.A. pinty) is our little princess and thus far she is 100% girl. She is rather constant in wanting to put on nail polish (both for herself and others). She can typically be found wondering the house wearing a princess dress, or other dress up items. She is very quick to care for her brothers and gets them cold packs whenever there is an injury.
Knox is huge - he is 19 months and weighs only 1lb less then Belle (then again, maybe Belle is just small?). It is hilarious listening to him try to put together words like no, ok, erik, daddy, mommy, etc. He plays very well with his brother and sister now that he is walking, running and climbing. The unfortunate problem is he is still a little unbalanced so he falls down and cries often.
That’s it for our little family – for those that are praying and supporting us.
Support Info!
Current initial sending support - 38%
Current monthly support - 11%