Sunday, March 24, 2013

Who's your wantok? & Proverbs 11:28

Who's your wantok, or who are your wantoks?  We are still in the middle of culture and language acquisition and read an article about the Wantok System in PNG.  A wantok in the shortest summary is your friend.  It is the division between "us" and "them"; it also comes with expectations that are not expressly spoken.

The view of a wantok starts small and then works itself outward in larger concentric circles.  Trying to relate this to American culture:  If you have a spouse they would be your wantok, your family would be your wantok, your coligues at work could be wantoks, you could be a wantok with others that represent the city you live in, you could be a wantok of those living in the state you reside, etc...

The spin on the Wantok System in PNG is how it relates to ecconomy.  Things are given to wantoks with the unspoken expectation that you will return the favor in the future.  It is like having liability placed on you that your friend (wantok) can redeem at a later date.

We have been kicking this idea around and thinking on how we will choose to interact in the Wantok System in PNG.  Not sure that we have arrived at a solid answer yet...

Proverbs 11:28
He who trusts in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like the green leaf.

Do I view money as an end or a means to an end?  No doubt there have been countless times that I have viewed money as the tool for success, but that is a foolish thought.  Notice that the righteous mentioned in verse 28b flourishes; there is not even the mentioning of him having riches.  Thinking on the truth that riches are truly fleeting, and the only true pursuit that flourishes is the righteousness that comes by faith in Jesus Christ.

Riches are a tool used by God for the advancing of the Gospel.  Believer, be diligent, work hard, save, but trust in Jesus Christ - your riches are but a tool to be used in due time.

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