our family's story in the gospel of Jesus Christ penetrating the tribes of Papua New Guinea
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Time Management & Matthew 27
We recently finished a module in missions training on Time Management. It was a fun class and there was much that I found already implemented in my life. There was however, helpful insight into the self managing life that we will have when oversees. With my current employer I have someone that I directly report to "daily", this will not be the case in PNG.
This thought has given much consideration to organizing even the smallest things now so we are prepared when we are there. I moved all my notes to Evernote and started setting realistic re-occurring goals (like posting to our blog every two weeks).
Time in the word has been great. Tonight I read Matthew 27 and found myself sitting in verse 27. All these years and I had skimmed over the mockery of Jesus Christ by the roman soldiers. I tended to think on this mockery as a handful of soldiers that were taking Jesus from being scourged to being crucified and it is but... It was the ENTIRE cohort of the governor.
Think on Jesus Christ being setup as King by the roman soldiers and all of them bowing the knee to him in mockery? This was not just one soldier, it was a cohort (battalion - around 400 to 600 men). The bible says the Jews mocked him (Matthew 27:22), the gentiles mocked him (27:27), and I mocked him in my un-belief.
Consider the goodness of God in the suffering of his Son. Jesus (the God-Man) suffered, was mocked, and crucified, by godless men. But he did not stay dead (28:6), he was raised from the dead. Are you a mocker of Jesus, do you mock that you are a sinner in need of saving? Or are you a God mocker that has turned from your sin of mocking God and placed your faith in Jesus bearing your sin on the cross?